Me Made May - Week 1

Monday, May 6, 2013
Okay guys, here is the first round up of outfits for Me Made May. You can follow daily on Flickr or my Instagram!

Day 1 -
Off to a good start. A polka dot wrap blouse and self-drafted black circle skirt.

1May2013 7

1May2013 3

Day 2 -
Hmmm - realise that taking photos everyday is going to be hard when your photographer needs to leave in the mornings. Hence, a lesser number of photos was taken than necessary resulting in a uni-foot in all head to toe shots.

I thereby declare all Thursdays to be renamed 'Uni-Foot Thursday'. Now there's a theme for #MMMay13!

Wearing my sleeveless Jasmin blouse.

2 May 2013 2

2 May 2013 1

Day 3 -

A bit chilly this morning - vintage cardi's were at the ready. Then a beautiful afternoon, thanks Sydney!

Wearing this floral 50's dress made back in October for spring, but it's actually the perfect autumnal dress. Still love the colours in this floral cotton lawn.

3May 2013 2

3May 2013 1

Day 4 - 

O Hai Unifoot. Fancy seeing you here again, it's not even Thursday...

4May 2013 1

4May 2013 4

4May 2013 2
Obligatory sunnies shot - where you can't even really see the sunnies...

Day 5 - 

Finally finished my 60's Vogue violet wrap dress last week and wore it on Sunday (will be blogged this week!). I love this colour, must add more violet to the wardrobe!

5May 2013 4

5May 2013 5

Day 6 - 

Sleepy Monday eyes this morning, but I've made it through my first week of Me Mades!  This dress is the first version of the Simplicity floral dress I wore on Day 3, but with added pleats!

6May 2013 1

6May 2013 3

How was your first Me Made week? 

13 comments on "Me Made May - Week 1"
  1. You look great! I particularly love the violet colour on you. Definitely need more in your wardrobe. Great week 1 :)

  2. These are all fantastic, but day 1 and the new Vogue dress are my favorites!

  3. These are all fantastic and I especially love the polka dot outfit from day 1 and the new purple Vogue dress.

    My Me Made May is going fine but I have far fewer items that fit to draw on... I've set up a tripod and self-timer to deal with the photo issue.

  4. What a pretty collection of clothes. Loving the violet dress. It's really lovely and elegant. Can't wait to see more about it, oh and more violet in your wardrobe!

  5. That was a great first MMM week! I love all of your outfits!

  6. You look absolutely stunning in all your outfits...

  7. All such gorgeous pieces - on such a gorgeous lass! You are quite handy with the sewing machine.

  8. As always, I love your style. So classic and feminine! You have a really great eye for what colors work on you.

  9. All you outfits are so pretty! I love thew dress. It's such a lovely colour. I have a little pattern giveaway happening on my blog at the moment if you'd like to enter. It'll be drawn this afternoon.

  10. beautiful clothing

  11. I love your outfits. My favorite piece is the polks dot wrap top!

  12. I love everything! Especially the dotted wrap top and Jasmine top!

  13. Your outfits are all so pretty! I just love your style!


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