A snippet of my sewing space. That strawberry tart was delicious by the way...
The term ‘cake’ has been flying around sewing blogs for a little while now, and I wanted to weigh in on the subject too (because, you know, why not!).
Cake mostly refers to those garments that form staples in your wardrobe. From simple everyday skirts and blouses to dresses for work and other everyday activities. These ‘cakey’ pieces are sometimes talked about as being ‘boring’ pieces to sew up because they are plain and are meant to mix in with the other various pieces in your wardrobe. They don’t necessarily stand out by themselves.
Icing (or frosting, if you live in America) are those pieces you make that you might, realistically, wear either once or never in some cases. They are those fun pieces that you make out of expensive silks, they have huge pouffy skirts, or long flowing tails. They have plunging necklines or strapless bodices. They have sparkles and bows and are fun fun FUN to sew up! And let’s be honest, they are what make us want to sew in the first place.

I really do love the icing, but spending so much time making a garment that you may only wear once or twice just doesn't appeal to me so much anymore. I want functional pieces that work well day to day and that I can wear hundreds of times in lots different ways.
I have more yummy cake pieces coming for the winter months as well - I’m attempting to make my first pair of pants - eek! Any helpful suggestions most welcome.
And while we are on the subject of cake, I am taking part in Me Made May for the first time this year! Here is my pledge:
'I, Jen from Jennifer Lauren Vintage, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavour to wear one me made garment each day for the duration of May 2013 with a round up of outfits each week'
There are nearly 300 of us participating in some way or another which is totally amazing! I love knowing that there are so many people walking around wearing their own garments.
So, tell me, do you enjoy sewing cake or would you rather just get on with the icing?
PS) In other annoying news, you are all probably aware that Google Reader is shutting up shop soon (Bah Humbug!!!). I have switched all my feeds over to Feedly (widely regarded to be the 'next best thing' compared to Reader. It's fine, but it's not Reader...). But I know that many people are switching to Bloglovin as well.
Even more annoyingly, Bloglovin wants me to 'claim my blog' by posting some code onto a post. I don't know why that's how you have 'claim' it, it's already mine after all and has been for some time. But begrudgingly, here it is...
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