Hello dear readers - if there are any regular readers left out there...
As some of you might know, I was expecting our second baby this year, and I'm so happy to announce that Rowan Anne Gretchen made her early arrival on Wednesday last week. Everyone is home and doing well.
I've been away from this little space over the last few months because I've been working away on getting paper patterns made and produced. If you were a Kickstarter campaign backer, make sure you keep a regular eye on the Updates section of the campaign page to stay in the loop. If you weren't a backer but want access to paper patterns (including my newest pattern Sorrel) as soon as they're released, you might want to sign up to the newsletter - you'll get all the info first! They'll be landing at the end of July...
I will be taking maternity leave until the 22nd of July, but I do have some blog posts scheduled and emails will be checked regularly until I return. Please accept my sincere apologies if replies take a bit longer than you're used to from me though, I'm sure you all understand.
In the mean time, I'll be enjoying some baby snuggles and popping onto Instagram on occasion to see what everyone is up to.
As some of you might know, I was expecting our second baby this year, and I'm so happy to announce that Rowan Anne Gretchen made her early arrival on Wednesday last week. Everyone is home and doing well.
A 35-week Rowan bump!
I will be taking maternity leave until the 22nd of July, but I do have some blog posts scheduled and emails will be checked regularly until I return. Please accept my sincere apologies if replies take a bit longer than you're used to from me though, I'm sure you all understand.
In the mean time, I'll be enjoying some baby snuggles and popping onto Instagram on occasion to see what everyone is up to.