Jan 1st, 1949...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I thought I would share some more scans from my collection of Home Journals today – can anyone spot the item that would be considered these days to be slightly controversial in the hand of one of the ladies?

Jan 1st 1949

: To read any of the articles close up, click the images and it will take you to my flickr account where you can choose to see them in the biggest format.

Isn’t it funny to think that smoking back then was acceptable and seen as rather glamorous, to the point they’ve taken the time to add this little detail to the cover of the magazine. How things considered controversial back then are completely normal these days, yet what could be seen as rather controversial these days was the norm back then.

I think that’s one of the reasons I really like collecting and reading these magazines, the social commentary alone is marvellous, and it’s fun to see how society’s views on certain things have changed.

Jan 1st 1949 7

Jan 1st 1949 6

Aren't these blouses the prettiest? I have a pattern for some lovely 40's blouses that I need to make up for Spring. I love the button up back.

Jan 1st 1949 5

Jan 1st 1949 4

Jan 1st 1949 9

I particularly like the little sections on accessories - the above explains 'new ways with a hanky' and how to wear jewellery - it pays dividends afterall (a nice thing to have on my quest to accessorise more!).

Jan 1st 1949 3

Add some ribbon trim to your outfits, it's all in the details...

Jan 1st 1949 2

Glamorous Millinery:
Hats will be dramatic and lovely. Flowers, ribbons and yards and yards of veiling will give a garden party look to hats this summer. Large hats are so flattering to all ages and with the veiling, well, it gives added charm.

And look at those pretty shoes...

Have a lovely evening,


PS) More scans here.

9 comments on "Jan 1st, 1949..."
  1. Love these scans! that blue dress on the cover is particualrly awesome :) I have got to get myself to a decent scanner so I can share some too!

  2. Such pretty frocks! I really love the hats in the last scan too. Every summer I want to wear nothing but sunhats. hehe!

    I find the social/cultural history really fascinating too, which is a reason I collect up these things as well. It's amazing in some ways how quickly things have changed in many instances in just a few short generations.

    ♥ Casey

  3. I love the style of Frock 7216 - it's similar to a pattern I've been looking for, for a little black dress : )

  4. These dresses are so gorgous. I love the 40s blouses too. Old magazines images and papers are so fun to look at, you really learn so much about the era from them. It is so funny about the smoking. It's always strange watching old talk shows and seeing them smoke on tv so casually.

  5. Very lovely! Thanks for sharing. These magazines are the greatest. =]
    -Andi x

  6. love the blog and the dresses! Especially the pink one with the ecru over blouse!

  7. Love the blog and the dresses! Especially the pink one with the the ecru over blouse.

  8. i found you via sew retro & was linked to your flickr... i had to comment that we have the same name! i'm also a jennifer lauren :) but i go by my middle name. haha this kind of stuff just tickles me to no end.

    love the scans you posted!

  9. Great scans. Oh how l wish l had a pair of those knitted undercrackers! The dresses are fab.


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