Signs of Spring...

Monday, September 9, 2013

We have been home for about a week now and spring appears to be springing here in New Zealand (though the temperature would say otherwise...). Daffodils are poking their brightly coloured heads through the dead winter foliage. The the rock garden is coming back to life. Reflections in the window. Cherry trees heavy with blossoms. Kitties safely tucked inside after their long flight.

Mocha has almost completely settled in but Monty is taking much longer. This is the first time he has been anywhere other than our place in Sydney since he was a kitten (other than trips to the vet, including the especially long trip to the vet when he got really sick with a bladder infection and had to stay 2 nights). He hasn't been eating much, but is slowly nibbling on a few cat biscuits after I hand feed them to him one at a time. He better not get used to this...but I hope he starts to perk up soon.


11 comments on "Signs of Spring..."
  1. Hope Monty feels better soon! (Lots of cuddles might help, it does with my two!)

  2. What a lovely welcome home! The rock garden is gorgeous :) Fingers crossed Monty starts to feel at home soon, poor fella!

  3. I read your blog from the other side of Mother Earth which means fall is on the way so please take more Spring & summer photos

  4. I hope Monty gets settled soon, cats can be funny little things sometimes. Give him a big cuddle from me.

  5. Lovely photos. We are on the brink of the opposite here in Canada, I saw my first turned leaf on the ground yesterday and we've had a few cooler days lately. Hope the kitty feels better real soon!

  6. Wow, how beautiful! I love seeing photos from the other hemisphere-- I'm looking forward to seeing your fun summer photos when I'm freezing up here! :)

    Hope you guys settle in quickly (and the kitties, too)!

  7. Welcome home! Poor Monty! I'm sure he'll come round.

  8. Spring is such a beautiful time despite the weather here in NZ still resembling winter. I'm sure the kitties will settle in soon.

  9. Really jealous of the lovely flowers. Summer has just finished and we have rain!

  10. I bet it feels good to be home. Moving, in general, is a big fiasco. I can't even begin to contemplate moving all of my belongings over an ocean. I hope you continue to settle in and get comfortable.

  11. Glad to hear you all arrived safely! What a gorgeous time of year to be in NZ.


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