The Best Birthdays Include Playing in Leaves...

Monday, May 30, 2011
I had a good birthday...

30th May 2011 2

30th May 20114

And one where you spend it playing in leaves makes it even better than one spent not playing in leaves...

30th May 2011 7

30th May 2011 9

30th May 2011 8

30th May 2011 6

David got some leaf action too - so you can see, it's not just about taking photos of me (just mostly...).

30th May 2011 10

And look at the cute little gif. David made me :)

And thank you for your birthday wishes!


ps) Vancouver in less than a week with a stop off in Beijing and a visit to the Great Wall !! (!)
14 comments on "The Best Birthdays Include Playing in Leaves..."
  1. Look at the size of those leaves! Hope you had an awesome birthday, sounds like you have some brilliant travelling adventures ahead of you as well! :)

  2. Glad you had a lovely Birthday, looks like you had a great day in the park as well ;o)

  3. Looks like you had fun on your birtday I love the shots in the park.

  4. Glad to hear you had a wonderful birthday, and let me just say that you could not be any more adorable! These pictures are great, especially the gif, and I love your cardigan. Mint green looks really beautiful on you. <3

  5. awww... looks like a fun day! Proper party once you're back!

  6. Oh, make sure they take you to the part of the wall where you can toboggan down- I did it last week and it's SUPER fun!!!

    Beware though, that if you want to climb up to one of the towers, they are far steeper than they look, but totally worth it!!!

  7. Ha ha I love that little gif. So cute! Glad you had a good birthday. Have fun on your trip!

  8. Happy Birthday! What a gorgeous skirt to wear on your birthday! :)

    Fantastic gif too. Loves it :)

  9. Awww, great photos! And your skirt is gorgeous!

  10. Looks like fun, that gif is so cute!!

  11. I'm a bit late, but I wanted to wish you the happiest of 26th birthdays!!! :) I highly approve of playing in leaves too--something I miss a lot in FL. hehe. Love your outfit too--especially the skirt!

  12. Happy Birthday Jen! Your skirt looks lovely.
    Sorry for not replying sooner, but I was waiting until my shifts were posted at work. I'm free all day on the 13th and the 18th and until the middle of the afternoon on the 12th, 14th and 17th. I will also be free on the afternoon of the 16th -my grad ceremony from uni is early in the morning. What do you feel like doing and what part of Vancouver would you like me to show you? I'm completely open to suggestions, however vague.

    P.S. I posted some pictures of downtown Victoria on my blog last week, in case you want to check them out.

  13. I am really late in wishing you a happy birthday. I love these shtos. I look forward to autumn time so much! That skirt is so cute!!!

  14. Like several others I just have to comment on how cute your skirt is. I imagine it'd be quite versatile because of all the lovely colours in it. Happy (very) belated birthday! :)


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