Merry Belated Christmas...

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Albeit, a bit late seeing as its Boxing day here :)

26th Dec 2010
Drinking T2 Toffee tea and relaxing with some Christmas goodies...

David and I ended up having an extremely lazy day - we opened presents, ate and watched movies and that was about the extent of it. A good holiday if I say so myself.

I'm also sitting here typing on my brand spanking new laptop - victorious as we fought those boxing day shoppers (though actually, there weren't as many people there as we thought there would be). My little Sony Vaio of 4 and a half years finally gave up the ghost while I was trying to edit the one photo on this post - it was hot, and tired and very very slow....poor wee thing, I really loved that little computer.

I hope Santa was good to you, he certainly was to me :)

9 comments on "Merry Belated Christmas..."
  1. Merry Christmas! Santa was very good to us, even if he fed us far more than we needed. Thank goodness leftovers taste just as good as first time round!

  2. Merry Christmas Jen! Glad to hear you had a nice relaxing day. So did we albeit a very wet one. It rained all day and is still raining now. Santa certainly was good to me!

  3. Merry Christmas Jen! Glad to hear you had a nice relaxing day. So did we albeit a very wet one. It rained all day and is still raining now. Santa certainly was good to me!

  4. Sounds like you had fun, happy christmas!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  5. Happy Holidays Jen! It's always darling to see a post from you here, so thank you for all your updates!

    Wishing you and your Husbie a fantastic year ahead in Sydney as well xoxo

  6. Yeah for sparkl-ee new electronics! I love getting new toys like that!

    Enjoy the new Laptop!

    Merry Christmas.

    Yours Truly

    The blog that serves a steaming cup of Tea with a side of Fashion, Glitz, and Humor

    read me:

  7. I love that little tea pot! Sounds like you had a pretty good Christmas... My partner and I did about the same things--presents, movie, take out... Awesome.


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