Christmas? Already?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wow, my very first proper outfit post in a very long time!! Albeit, it is an outfit shot from the Honeymoon - ah well (I do have some from last week actually, but I need to get them off the camera first!).

23rd November 2010Align Center

Now that all the wedding madness is over (thank you so much for all of your lovely comments too by the way!), we have gone full tilt into Christmas madness! I can't believe its Christmas day on Saturday - where on earth has this year gone? David and I plan to while away the day eating, opening presents, perhaps finding a secluded little beach somewhere and just relaxing - our first Christmas as husband and wife.

To celebrate Christmas, we bought a tinsy winsy little Christmas tree a few weekends ago, and although it's small, it is a real tree which means we get bonus points (right?). We found some little clip on stars at Spotlight and decorated it with some tinsel around the bottom.
The cats for some reason have not yet cottoned on that tinsel is fun to play with - let's hope it stays that way!

21st December 2010
I found the J.Bailey Toys sign (Est 1901) last Sunday evening on a walk to get a bus pass. It was sitting next to someone's rubbish bin. Best thrifted/free find yet me thinks!

21st December 2010 2
Trying to get into the Christmas spirit with tinsel in the hall way...I haven't done a tour of our wee space yet, in the mean time, here is the hall way!

21st December 2010 3
Yes, I am in my jammie bottoms. It's what I do when I get home.

What do you have planned for Christmas?

XX Jen
14 comments on "Christmas? Already?"
  1. You are such a cutie! Even in PJs :D And what an amazing find that sign is!

  2. Your place is looking great! I love that sign!

    I'm looking forward to seeing you on the 27th! Pancakes, wheee! And you'll get to meet my crazy bunch of friends too.

  3. Cute tree! I brought a little one from the $2 shop hehe. Im flying up to Auckland with the boy tospend Christmas with my family :)

  4. Those trousers are such a nice shape, I really want some! And these pictures are gorgeous.
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  5. Pretty much as soon as my husband and I walk in the door from work, we put on our "comfy pants."

    I love your tiny tree :)

  6. I know how you feel, girl! We get back from the Honeymoon late on the 23rd and then it's right into Christmas!

    Luckily, we've got all but two presents. Then, we're spending Christmas Eve with his family and Christmas Day with mine before we head back up the mountain.

  7. yes very very pretty. what a lovely little home (well hallway) you have. and great find with the toy shop sign!

  8. love your first outfit..wish you guys a merry xmas!

  9. I love the green of your scarf. And that tree is so sweet.

  10. Love the gold trousers. Merry Christmas and congrats on your wedding as well - just catching up on your previous posts!

  11. I love your pants!

  12. those beige/golden pleated pants are so awesome! i'd love to steel them from your closet. ; )

  13. I love the green scarf and the trousers! I never would have thought to combine those two colors, but so cute!


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