A Saturday Night Date with Neil (& David of course)...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Saturday night was amazing - Neil Gaiman at the Opera House (and our very first venture into the bowels of that famous Australian icon).

August 7 2010 Night 6

August 7 2010 Night 3

I managed to get some amazing seats for David and I - we were in full view of Neil, the screen on which Eddie Campbell's illustrations for the story were projected and the four person string quartet (aptly named
FourPlay). Unfortunately I couldn't take any photos as that was strictly forbidden, but I did get some of the panel the next day.

Before the Neil even came on we were treated to an unexpected event - Kevin Smith was announcing the winner of an animation competition, and shortly after that, on came the man himself, to great applause.

August 7 2010 Night 5

August 7 2010 Night 4

He read a 70 minute short story called 'The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains' (it has since been released in a compilation of stories called Stories, co-edited by Gaiman). After that, Eddie Campbell asked Gaiman a few questions, and then we were given another treat - a reading of an actually unreleased poem (I say actually unreleased because its really not released, its not in a book, a news paper or on the inter-webs).

August 7 2010 Night 2

August 7 2010 Night

One of the things that struck me most about Gaiman, is that he is not just a good story teller in the written sense, but he is also an amazing story teller in the spoken sense. Nothing was over exaggerated, he kept the listeners interested, in suspense, right to the very end.

He didn't go so fast as not to understand him, he wasn't so slow as to put the audience to sleep. Whether this is inherent in natural story tellers, who knows (I did once read an article on him talking about the first time he read a story out loud to an audience), but it was a lovely thing to listen too.

Tickets 3
Neil Gaiman tickets!!

Tickets 5
They are nommy...

Tickets 4
Nom nom nom...

Tickets 6
Grrrrrrrrrrr....my Neil Gaiman tickets, not yours...

If you are a fan of his work, and ever have the chance to see him, I would highly recommend it!!


17 comments on "A Saturday Night Date with Neil (& David of course)..."
  1. oh your dress is darling! Glad you liked it! How great are FourPlay? I have their album from many moons ago - I should burn you a copy! What did you think of the Opera House?

  2. That dress is such a lovely color! I'm so glad to hear that you had fun!

  3. I have to admit, I'm not a huge Neil Gaiman fan (I'm just not terribly into fiction, or his usual genre--but I'm familiar enough with his work thanks to my sister ;), but the opportunity to hear a talented storyteller read in person is always a treat! Wow--it must have been an amazing evening!

    ♥ Casey
    blog | elegantmusings.com

  4. LOL, your last few pictures are a crack up! :)

    great to hear you had such an awesome night. I'm really curious about Neil Gaiman now...

    oh and your dress is gorgeous! :)

  5. I agree that Neil Gaiman definitely has a knack for reading his stories out loud. I've gone to readings done by other authors, and generally, they can't compare.

    I love your dress, by the way; the color looks beautiful on you! And it reminds me of something that Zooey Deschanel's character would have worn in "21 Days of Summer"!

  6. I love, love, love the pale blue with the black tights. I don't know why, I don't know what it is about the look, but I love the contrast.

    That dress is absolutely gorgeous with the lace top and the full skirt. This might be one of my favorite outfits! You look beautiful.

  7. Very jealous that you got to see the Neil! :)
    Glad you had a good time, and you looked adorable! :)

  8. Haha! You are the cutest! :-)

    That dress is ever so lovely too.


  9. I haven't read any Neil Gaiman, but I know that I would be very excited to see an author I love in person like that, sounds like a great event!
    I just love your dress, it's such a gorgeous shade of blue!

  10. I love your dress its wonderful, i love your outfit from your previous post too xx

  11. What a lovely dress you wore, the colour really suits you! :-)

  12. What a beautiful beautiful dress! You look amazing, and have fun at the concert! :)

  13. Ah that is the cutest dress!

    We should definately catch up soon... I'll email you before I launch into a break down of my schedule on the comments section of your blog :P

    Hope you're well!

  14. Sounds like you had an awesome time!Your wee blue dress is great by the way....

  15. you look so sweet! That is the cutest dress, and such a pretty colour.


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