You'll need -
- Juniper Cardigan - assembled bodice & hip band
- Clear Elastic (or other stabiliser)
- Pins & a threaded sewing machine
Stabilising Shoulder Seams
Now that we've attached our sleeves, we can stabilise the shoulders. Shoulder lines are a stress point for knit garments, so stitching something into the seam allowance will help the shoulder to retain it's fit without drooping over time. I talk a little more about stabilising options in this post and for the sew along, I'm using clear elastic.
1. Cut a length of clear elastic that is the same length as your cardigan shoulder (from the neckline to the first notch). Stitch this into the shoulder line seam allowance, catching both the sleeve and bodice seam allowance.
2. Press your seam allowance to the sleeve side and repeat for all other shoulder seam allowances.
Note: because there are two seams per shoulder, you will be stabilising both seams. You can omit one if you really want too, but there is no harm in doing both, just in case!
Sewing up side seams
1. Right sides together, match your under arm seams and pin in place. Match the rest of the bodice and sleeve side seams together and pin.
3. Stitch together in one go, pivoting at the under arm seam and back-tacking at each end. Repeat for the other side. Finish seam allowances if you wish.
Attaching the Hip Band
1. Wrong sides together, fold your hip band in half lengthwise, matching notches, and press.
2. Right sides together, match your hip band to your cardigan hip raw edge. Match the centre first and work your way out. The notches on either side of the centre of the hip band match to the bodice side seams.
2. Stitch in place.
3. Finish seam allowance if you want to and press up.
Optional - top stitch along the hip seam.
Next up we're attaching the neck band...
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