The Half Pinafore - A Free Pattern...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas is only nine days away you guys. Eeep!

If you're like me and have left your gift making to the last minute, I've made a little gift for you that will hopefully help you out. It's a free half pinafore pattern; I like to call her Pinny for short (or you may want to call her an apron... whatever floats your boat).

These are super quick to make up and make a sweet and lovely gift for your gardening, baking and crafty friends and family as well as for those who do the washing up - David in a floral half pinny doing the dishes? The gift that keeps on giving...

Plus, they're a great stash buster for all of those pretty remnants of quilting cotton you have laying around.

I like having multiple half pinny's around too, I wear one in the garden to stash away my gloves that I'm forever loosing, and have been wearing one in the kitchen lately while experimenting with ginger bread.

However, as I mentioned above, Christmas is only nine days away, so although these are really quick to make, if you still don't have time to whip one or two up, why not print out the pattern, raid your stash and give it as a little kit to your best crafty friends?

The instructions come with full diagrams and detailed descriptions of each step, just like my regular patterns, and I've provided the pattern itself in a standard A4/letter print-at-home format as well as an A1 print shop version if you wanted to gift the pattern as a kit.

So, do you think you'll be making one or two as gifts? Or even just for yourself? I'd love to see them if you do :)

Speaking of experiments in the kitchen, as you can see in the photo above on the left, our rhubarb is growing like a weed at the moment (and that's only one of the spots it's currently growing!) - do you have any yummy rhubarb recipes that you might care to share? I'd love to hear them!!

Talk soon,

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4 comments on "The Half Pinafore - A Free Pattern..."
  1. Thanks for the free pattern. It's a very cute pinny and would make a lovely present. I love your wellingtons.

    1. You're welcome Camilla :) Those gumboots have served me well, after nearly 2 years they're still going strong!!

  2. So cute! I just received my Bronte Top pattern in the mail yesterday and am really excited to try my first one! I found a double knit at a thrift store that I'm hoping will work!

    1. Yay Kira! I'm so glad it arrived before Christmas and it was safe and sound :) Great score on the thrifted double knit too, the short sleeve version I use on the listing was also a thrifted double knit, so you should be in good hands :)


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