1. Within the seam allowance of 1cm (3/8in) and between the notches on the front of the bodice neckline (indicated in the photo below by the two arrows), place a row of basting stitches. Leave long tails of thread at each end.
Note: I did mine in white thread in the photo below so it's kind of hard to see, which is why I've added the extra dashed line to show you where you'll be sewing.
2. Tie a knot at one end of your basting stitch and gather your neckline using the other end. Take your Front Bodice Gather Guide and make sure the neckline is gathered into itself so that your bodice notches match those on the guide.
Loosely tie off the other end of your basting stitch, being mindful that you may like to adjust the gathers once your back pieces are attached for fit.
Ensure that the centre front seam is matching up with the centre line on the guide.
3. Finish off the side and shoulder raw edges on both the front and back bodice pieces.
Right sides together, place your back pieces on top of your front bodice, matching up shoulders and side seams. Stitch shoulders and side seams, back tacking at each end to secure your stitching.
4. Press side and shoulder seams open and finish the entire bodice waist raw edge in one go.
Now you can pin in your zip and try your bodice on. Hopefully because you've made a muslin, there shouldn't be too many adjustments to make, but now's the time to make them if you do.
Easy peasy!! Next week we're moving onto inserting our yoke pockets into our skirts and assembling them ready to attach to the bodice.
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