Somehow, Miss Rowan is 5months old (!?) which means my maternity leave is pretty much over, which means Hello JLH! I'm back!
To be honest, finding a balance is going to be interesting as I'll still be at home essentially full time with Rowy. I'll be working around her naps and Oscar's Kindy days during the week, then spending evenings working and weekends with the family (and my garden! I'm itching to get back into it).
It's going to be busy, but I'm at the stage where I'm ready to get back to it. I'm bursting with ideas (even though I haven't had an uninterrupted nights sleep in over 5 months - turns out, Rowy's not a night sleeper...) and there is plenty in the works already.
Next week I release The Sorrel Dress (in both paper and digital format) and then shortly afterwards, I'll be officially launching paper patterns for four of my other designs - make sure you sign up to my newsletter.
I also have pattern releases planned for the next year or so - which is something I've never done before. Mostly because I change my mind quite often, but also because planning patterns that far in advance means that there's more room for cross over with other indie pattern designs. But I've realised that even if something similar comes out before I've released one of my designs, no two patterns will ever be exactly the same. And it's nice to already have designs decided upon so I can just work towards getting them done, rather than um-ing and ah-ing about every-little-thing. Energy is limited and decision fatigue is real right now.
I know I had planned to post a few tutorials during the time I was away, which obviously didn't happen (I blame lack of sleep...). But I do have everything prepped and ready to go, so I'll be posting those over the coming weeks.
I may still be a little slow and fuzzy around the edges, so I hope you'll forgive me, but it is so nice to be back. I missed you guys.
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